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Function Models Guide: Advanced Function Logic Techniques to Inspire Change

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The Function Models Guide offers advanced function model techniques applicable to the VM Job Plan, project management, quality assurance, and risk analysis. These advanced function models build upon the basics of Function Analysis and Function Analysis System Technique (FAST) diagramming. The intent of presenting these advanced models is to expand the ability of teams to understand and communicate functions to accomplish “Function Inspired Change”

Available with Goal QPC.            [2nd edition errata]

This Value Methodology Memory Jogger offers you an introduction to the history of VM, detailed guidance on the tools of the methodology, and examples of applications.

This 2nd edition of The Value Methodology Memory Jogger includes alignment of standards consistent with the SAVE International Function Analysis Guide published in 2016, the revised ASTM International E.1699 standard, and the SAVE International VM standard. The addition of Value Enhancing Methods (VEMs) includes the linkages of Quality tools including Six Sigma, Lean, and Quality Function Deployment as well as other evaluation, costing, creative thinking, and decision analysis techniques. 

This Memory Jogger gives Quality and Value practitioners a valuable framework to incorporate Quality and other improvement techniques using the VM Job Plan and application of Function Analysis which is at the heart of the VM job plan and a tool that leads teams to discovering breakthrough solutions. 

 [2nd edition errata]

Available with Goal QPC. 

IMPROVE VALUE THROUGH FUNCTION ANALYSIS. One of the most powerful tools you can use to answer those questions is the Value Methodology, a systematic process that improves the value of a project by analyzing its functions. GOAL/QPC's Value Methodology Memory Jogger will show you how to apply this practice effectively in your organization. Value Methodology is unique compared to other practices, such as TQM, Lean Manufacturing, and Six Sigma, because analyzing functions and providing the highest value to the customer in a formal, step-by-step process, are the foundations of Value Methodology. Function analysis, the multidisciplinary team approach, and the formal Job Plan make Value Methodology like no other management practice.

By Lawrence D. Miles

E-Book     Available in Amazon and Amazon Kindle                                 Also available in Google

In achieving better value, there are two separate opportunity areas: (1) The identification of costs as necessary, and (2) The decision making which will eliminate the identified unnecessary cost. The techniques in this text apply extensively in area 1, identification. They are applicable in the predesign stage, the design-concept stage, the procurement stage, and the manufacturing stage, as well as in later cost-improvement stage. The objective of the concepts and techniques of value analysis is to make possible a degree of effectiveness in identifying and removing unnecessary cost that approaches the effectiveness of identifying performance improvements for the product or service and incorporating them into it. Value analysis is the name applied to this disciplined, step-by-step thinking system, with its specific approaches for mind setting, problem setting, and problem solving. Value engineering is often the name correctly used by qualified engineers in engineering work. This book was written by Lawrence D. Miles, the creator of value analysis. Its content is as accurate today as when it was originally published. it is the seminal reference of value analysis principles and concepts.

By Thomas R. King

E-Book     Available in Google

This book, along with an instructor's guide (available at, was developed to support a 3-credit-hour university course on Value Engineering principles. 

The objective of the course is to introduce the concept of value engineering and demonstrate its techniques and application. The course of study provides practical knowledge in specialized techniques that comprise the value engineering methodology and the manner in which they are applied through a systematic job plan approach. 

By Carlos Fallon

E-Book     Available in Google

This book is about value, about the value of a car you want to buy, a workbench you decide to make, or a house you want to sell. 

It will be of interest to those industrial managers who must increase gross margins despite higher wages and material costs and to design engineers, buyers, cost accountants, quality specialists, industrial engineers, and those men in Marketing and Finance who have their fingers on the pulse of a product value. 

By Donald E. Parker

E-Book     Available in Google

This publication is designed to be part of a University level course on Value Engineering Theory. As such, it is presented in two sections:

Section one of this publication contains an eleven-part reading supplement to Larry Miles’ book, “Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering”.

Section two contains the reading assignment and content of the eleven basic lectures for the course.

The objectives are to introduce the concept of value engineering and demonstrate its application and techniques. 

By by Eleanor Miles-Walker and the Miles Value Foundation

E-Book     Available in Google

This book, produced in 1987 by Eleanor Miles-Walker and the Miles Value Foundation, is a tribute to Lawrence D. Miles - the "Father" of value analysis. After his passing, O'Brien collected stories, thoughts and fond memories of Miles from his peers and compiled them into this volume. Miles was all things to value analysis. This collection will enable those who knew him well to share others' stories and will allow those who never met him to personally to get to know him.

This book is an excellent management book to awaken the impulse for business to survive.  The author outlines a thought provoking approach on how to align your organization through value-focused thinking.

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