The Lawrence D. Miles Value Foundation

Advancing the Value Methodology by Implementing Initiatives to:

Function Models Guide: Advanced Function Logic Techniques to Inspire Change

The Miles Value Foundation (MVF) Function Models Guide: Advanced Function Logic Techniques to Inspire Change is available for purchase from Amazon! Knowledge of Advanced function logic techniques will improve your application of Function Analysis in the VM Job Plan, project management, quality assurance, and risk analysis. Utilizing advanced function models expand the ability of teams to understand and communicate functions and needs to accomplish the desired outcomes through “Function Inspired Change  

The Miles Value Foundation (MVF) was created in 1977 to promote and fund the development of educational programs, new applications, and a research library for the study of the Value Methodology (VM). VM includes the applications known as Value Analysis, Value Engineering, and Value Management. 

The MVF accomplishes its mission by:

1. Promoting public awareness of the Value Methodology through publications, multimedia programs, and technology transfer programs

2. Offering practical and innovative applications of VM in business and government

3. Developing and teaching courses in the value principles and methodology at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate levels

4. Encouraging professionals and students to undertake research and development of value-related applications and programs through scholarships and grants programs. This platform has many tools available for us, and it will be overwhelming to try to learn them all in one event. 

The Value Methodology (VM) is a systematic process used by a multidisciplinary team to improve the value of a project, product, or process through the analysis of functions.

 (SAVE, 2017) 

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